Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012

Ryan Biden Faces in the Vice Presidential Debate to Slow the Momentum Republican

Discussions for vice president of the United States, traditionally, do not usually have little impact, but this October 11 between Democrat Joe Biden and Republican Paul Ryan might be an exception. Especially, after the trip of President Barack Obama during the first discussion with the Republican candidate, Mitt Romney, and that meant a drop in the polls for Democrats.

In fact, in the last poll made public and conducted by Reuters / Ipso, Romney registered 47% of the voting options compared to 44% of President Obama, a true back in the results. Obama has gone to take a lead of almost ten points, according to this latest survey, go back. Biden Democrats have to attenuate the momentum achieved by the Republicans.

The shadow of the debate for the presidency 
Both Biden and as Ryan seem more comfortable playing in the traditional political role of attack dog, and that may be reflected in a sharp and critical debate than Obama and Romney held.

"I would be surprised if there were more fireworks in this debate than there were in the first presidential debate," said Reuter’s political science professor at the University of Maine, Mark Brewer.

"Congressman Ryan will try to match the aggressiveness and confidence last week showed Romney and Vice President Biden will try to be more assertive, direct, and belligerent critical that President Obama" said Efe Benjamin Knoll, professor of political Centre College in Danville, where the debate will take place.

Biden is facing the challenge to halt the decline in the polls has been President Barack Obama from the debate last Thursday in Denver (Colorado), in which, as the president himself acknowledged, was "too right" to attack Romney.

The Democratic candidate, 69-year-old is not known for its reservations and politically correct statements. As a veteran of two presidential campaigns and 36 years in the Senate, is an experienced debater who combines a deep knowledge of the country's politics and positions with a 'down to earth'.

Meanwhile, Ryan, 42, faces for the first time this type of debate, although it is one of the major ideologues of the current U.S. conservative movement Combine polite behavior with his indomitable will reduce the role of the federal government.
According to Efe said Professor Emeritus of Vanderbilt University, Erwin Hargrove, Republican candidate "represents about half of the followers" of his party and is an "apostle Republican free market capitalism and limited government."
In addition, Ryan has years of experience selling conservative ideas to voters in a scenario in which there are especially predisposed to buy. His constituency in southeastern Wisconsin is one of the most balanced in the country, but has easily won re-election in the last 14 years, despite its calls to cut popular programs of social assistance.
Biden pressure
After the first debate between Obama and Romney, many Democrats have criticized the president for allowing some accusations of Republican candidate on key issues such as taxes or health, remain without adequate response.
In fact, after it launched the Democratic campaign messages accusing Romney of lying about these issues.

For this occasion, Biden himself has said it will not allow the charges on these questions remain unanswered. However, the inclination of Biden to exit the script makes that action is "unpredictable", as pointed Efe University professor Mark Brewer Maine.
The discussion of 'Medicare'
In the same way that the presidential debate last week focused mainly on economic issues, the vice presidential debate would focus particularly on health care reform.
Ryan has built its reputation with its proposal to partially privatize the government's plan on social security for the elderly and disabled, in an effort to keep health costs engulf the federal budget.
Democrats, meanwhile, say the plan would force retirees to pay thousands of dollars for medical treatment.

Thursday's debate could be the best opportunity for the Republican nomination to win over independent voters who are concerned that Obama has not done enough to curb the budget deficit of a trillion dollars, and the attack on the health plan can be a good weapon.
Other Matters
Recent developments, especially in Libya where the U.S. ambassador was killed after an attack on the embassy in Benghazi, have served the Romney campaign to intensify their criticism of the Obama administration over its foreign policy, especially in the Middle East, accusing it of weakness.
Ryan said a Romney administration and Ryan would follow a strategy of "peace through strength", a clear reference to national security theme favored by the Reagan Administration.
However, the Republican candidate will face a veteran with extensive foreign policy experience. And while national security is a portfolio that has favored the GOP in past elections, the death of Osama bin Laden and the safety program of the Obama administration in Pakistan drone, perhaps help explain the consistent advantage of the President on the subject in the polls.
Professor Benjamin Knoll Biden expected to turn to one of his favorite sayings campaign, "Osama Bin Laden is dead and General Motors is alive", to "remind viewers triumph over bin Laden."
On paper, the mismatch of the two candidates on foreign policy is total. But that does not necessarily mean that Biden take advantage. "Sometimes you know so much, you're ineffective," said the professor at Southern Methodist University, Cal Jillson. "What Biden has to do is take everything you know and distill it into something easily digestible for voters who are not experts. Ryan has to do the same, but it also has to sound like he knew enough to be believable" .
While Biden received his final training sessions at his home in Wilmington (Delaware), Ryan arrive this Thursday at Lexington (Kentucky) to attend a campaign rally and then move to Danville, the quiet town of just over 16,000 people this Thursday will host the only vice presidential debate of the campaign.

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